Arponera is a young trio made up with
the components of Cierzo and Tu Madre, listening to their songs is like
telling ghost stories at night time with your class mates when you’re
eight years old, you are sleeping in a gloomy attic, as the perverse use
of a lullaby in a psychological horror movie, and even as those hasty
between teenagers fascinated by the rotten makings of nature and the
invisible. They opt for ripping the skin to melancholy and leave to the
open air songs that, even though you might not think it, do not recur to
the rawness and rudeness, but to a sweet darkness, with lyrics able to
make you feel an atavistic fascination, primitive and nearly
Their first LP was released only in a digital format and under the license of Creative Common on December 3th, 2011.
Arponera concert
Saturday 26th 7.30pm
Swab Art Fair