

3 Punts Galeria, Barcelona
Alejandrogallery, Barcelona
ALMA GalleryAtenas
Ana Mas ProjectsBarcelona
AP Contemporary, Hong Kong
Black Square, Miami
Cis ArtBarcelona
Galería Balaguer, Barcelona 
Galería Servando, La Habana
Galeria Silvestre, Tarragona
Galería TramaBarcelona
JPS GalleryHong Kong
N2 GaleríaBarcelona
Olsen Irwin, Woollahra
Pabellón 4, Buenos Aires
Rea One day Gallery, Buenos Aires
Res Non Verba, Buenos Aires
ROCIO SANTACRUZ Galeria, Barcelona
Savina Gallery, San Petersburgo
Studio ChuanBeijing
Sun Art, Tokyo


Direlia Lazo and Carolina Ariza repeated curating Solo Swab. The section preserves the individual format with presentations of Latin American artists, and special attention to those artistic practices marked procedural and documentary. Poetic narratives that explore the history and confront the discontinuity and heterogeneity of the "official" story. Continuing the previous edition, Solo Swab intended as a platform for thought and reflection on the current artistic production in Latin American political dialogue with the social context.

Artist: Estefanía Peñafiel, Quito
El Apartamento, La Habana
Artist: Yornel Martínez, Manzanillo
Galería la Oficina, Medellín
Artist: Fredy Alzate, Rionegro
José de la Fuente, Santander
Artist: Arturo Hernández Alcázar, Mexico City
Nube Gallery, Santa Cruz
Artist: Alejandra Alarcón, Cochabamba
Artist: Santiago Vélez, Medellín
Martin van Zomeren, Amsterdam
Artista: Oscar Abraham Pabón, San Juan de Colón


SWAB GATE consists of solo presentations of African and Caribbean artists, living and working in Africa, Europe or between the two continents with a strong focus on painting. The participating galleries for this section of the fair have been selected and invited by curator Eva Barois De Caevel. The six selected galleries are located both in Africa and in Europe. This program aims first at presenting the work of six great contemporary painters, but it also hopes to question the history and the actuality of categories such as the one we use here — painting as a medium and the geographical origin.

Artist: Sébastien Jean, Haïti
Artist: Wycliffe Mundopa, Zimbabwe
Angalia, Meudon
Artist: Steve Bandoma, Kinshasa
Artist: Hamid El Kanbouhi, Marokko


Curated by Mónica Alvarez Careaga, will show eight individual artistic projects that demonstrate the transformation in artistic matters traditionally attributed uses the drawing, presented by eight of the best Spanish galleries.

Artist: Juan Escudero, Bilbao
Galería Sicart, Vilafranca del Penedès
Artist: Gonzalo Elvira, Neuquén, Argentina
Galería Siboney, Santander
Artist: Gómez-Bueno, Torrelavega, Cantabria 
Ethall, Barcelona
Artist: Luís Macías, Palma de Mallorca 
Artist: Cristina Fernández, Alicante
Artist: Theo Firmo, São Paulo, Brasil
Ángeles Baños, Badajoz
Artist: Laura González Cabrera, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Artist: Paula Rubio Infante, Madrid


David Armengol, that presents for the first time in Swab, a space of visibility and debate focused on independent proposals galleries located in Barcelona, which has the power and instability than relying on them themselves, have become one of the most successful scenarios and dynamic of the cultural landscape of the city.
El Palomar, Barcelona
Arts ComingBarcelona
me & the curiosityBarcelona
Halfhouse, Barcelona
The Green Parrot, Barcelona

Salón, Madrid
Junefirst, Berlín


Curators: Susana Sanz Giménez & Na Risong
Chinese contemporary art is a complicated mosaic made of different trends. This programme, has a selection of just one of those many tendencies, which represents a "dialogue with the tradition", a way to create a unique contemporary Chinese art rooted in a long cultural tradition different from the Western art aesthetics.
Contrary to the negative vision of curators and art critics that consider Chinese art as a merely copy of Western art, the “new photography from China” shows the opposite. For instance, Chinese artists adapt the aesthetics of Chinese landscape painting to express contemporary social problems and personal concerns.
From the nostalgic approach to the past, through the awareness of pollution in China or the irreverent interpretation of tradition, new photographers from China have recovered the task of building a contemporary Chinese “avant-garde” art, that combine Western art and Chinese art and whose ultimate goal is to create an own language, to find their own space and identity.

Participating artists:
Bo Mu
Ju Duoqi
Jin Ping
Lu Nan
Zhong Weixing


Directed by the curator Juan Canela presents a program of performances, actions and specific interventions to the Fair. Considering the presence of this format in contemporary art practices, and their sometimes complicated relationship with the market. Performing Swab want to activate a performative space at the fair, which is autonomous and an integral part of it.

Participating artists:

Lara Khaldi & Yazan Khalili


.4 emerging contemporary art galleries, with less than two years of existence, who have never participated in any International Art Fair and present artists born after 1975. Curated by Zaida Trallero and Rosa Lleó.


A new program through which 2 ex alumni of the Curatorial Program of DE APPEL ARTS CENTRE will select and create a dialogue between eight artists with their respective works from the different galleries programs of Swab Barcelona 2015.
Around this dialogue a debate will be created under the program Swab Thinks on hand with theIndependent Studies Program (PEI) of MACBA and a catalog with texts edited by Lorenzo Benedetti, Director of DE APPEL ARTS CENTRE.